The Essence of Objects (Part I): Unlocking Python’s OOP Paradigm

Level Up Coding
Published in
6 min readJun 23, 2023


Understanding the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python is crucial for developers seeking to build efficient and scalable software solutions. This comprehensive two-part guide on understanding the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python. In this first part, we will delve into essential topics such as classes, objects, attributes, methods, and object variables. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid foundation to navigate the world of object-oriented programming and take your Python skills to the next level. So, let’s dive right in!

Classes: Blueprints for Creating Objects

At the heart of object-oriented programming (OOP) lies the concept of classes, which serve as blueprints for creating objects. A class encapsulates the attributes and behaviors that define an object, much like a cookie cutter that produces multiple cookies. By using one class template, we can generate numerous objects with their unique characteristics.

In OOP, a class not only acts as a blueprint but also models real-world entities, defining their properties and behaviors. It can be visualized as a pattern or structure that objects adhere to. It’s worth noting that in Python, everything is an object, while in Java, every class inherits the object class, forming the foundation of the language’s object-oriented paradigm.

Objects: Instances of Classes

Objects are instances created from classes, representing specific entities. They are analogous to the gingerbread cookies created using a gingerbread man cookie cutter. Just as we can instantiate multiple gingerbread cookies from a single cutter, we can create numerous objects from one class. Each object embodies the attributes and behaviors defined by its class, much like each cookie having its own distinct shape and decorations.

Multiple objects can be instantiated from a single class, and each object possesses its own unique set of attributes and states. Objects play a crucial role in organizing and managing related information efficiently within a program.

Attributes and Methods: Defining Object Characteristics and Behaviors

Attributes can be thought of as the properties or characteristics that describe an object. They represent the state or data associated with an object. For example, if we consider a “Car” class, some attributes could include the car’s brand, color, number of doors, and maximum speed. These attributes define the unique qualities or characteristics of each car object created from the class.

On the other hand, methods define the operations or actions that an object can perform. They represent the behaviors or functionalities associated with the object. Methods are similar to functions or procedures, but they are defined within the scope of a class and operate on the data (attributes) of that class. Continuing with the “Car” class example, some methods could be “start_engine()” to start the car’s engine, “accelerate()” to increase the car’s speed, and “brake()” to apply the brakes and slow down the car.

Methods encapsulate a sequence of instructions or logic that manipulates the object’s attributes, interacts with other objects, or performs specific tasks related to the object’s behavior. They provide a way to perform actions on the object and can often modify the object’s state (attributes) based on the logic defined within the method.

Class Code Example

The following code provides an example of the CookieCutter class which has two attributes: shape and size.

class CookieCutter:
def __init__(self, shape, size):
self.shape = shape
self.size = size

def cut_cookie(self):
print(f"Cutting a {self.size}-sized {self.shape} cookie!")

# Instantiate objects from the CookieCutter class
gingerbread_man_cutter = CookieCutter("gingerbread man", "large")
heart_cutter = CookieCutter("heart", "medium")
star_cutter = CookieCutter("star", "small")

# Access and modify object attributes
gingerbread_man_cutter.size = "extra-large"
heart_cutter.shape = "oval"

# Call the cut_cookie() method on each object

The __init__ method initializes these attributes when an object is created.

We create three instances of the CookieCutter class, each with different values for the shape and size attributes.

After creating the objects, we demonstrate how to access and modify the object attributes directly. We change the size attribute of gingerbread_man_cutter to "extra-large" and the shape attribute of heart_cutter to "oval".

Finally, we call the cut_cookie method on each object, which prints a message indicating the shape and size of the cookie being cut. This demonstrates how objects can access and utilize their specific attribute values within their methods.

“self” Parameter in Python Classes

In Python, the self parameter is a convention used within methods of a class to refer to the instance of the class itself. It acts as a reference to the object on which a method is being called. When defining methods within a class, the first parameter is typically self, although you can choose any valid parameter name.

The self parameter is implicitly passed when the method is called, and it allows the method to access and manipulate the attributes and methods of the specific instance of the class.

In the example code provided earlier, the self parameter is used in the __init__method and the cut_cookiemethod of the CookieCutterclass.

  • In the __init__method, self refers to the specific instance of the CookieCutter class that is being created. By using self.shape and self.size, we can assign the values provided during instantiation to the instance attributes shape and size.
  • In the cut_cookie method, self represents the specific instance of the CookieCutterclass on which the method is called. By using self.shape and self.size, we can access the attribute values of that specific instance and incorporate them into the printed message.

By convention, self is used as the parameter name, but you can technically use any other valid name. However, it is strongly recommended to stick with the convention of using self to ensure code readability and maintain consistency with other Python developers.

Object Variables: Assigning Objects to Variables

Object variables play a crucial role in object-oriented programming as they allow us to assign specific instances of a class to variables. In Python, object variables are commonly used to store and manipulate objects of a particular class type.

Let’s take an example using the Counter class. Imagine we have defined a Counter class that represents a simple counting mechanism. To create an instance of this class, we can use the statement:

c = Counter()

Here, the variable c is assigned to hold the specific object that is created from the Counter class. By calling the class constructor (Counter()) and assigning it to the variable c, we instantiate an object of the Counter class.

With this assignment, c becomes an object variable that refers to the instance of the Counterclass. We can then use this variable to access and manipulate the attributes and methods defined within the Counter class.

For example, if the Counterclass has a method called increment(), we can invoke this method on the c object variable by using the dot notation:


In this way, we can perform actions specific to the c object, such as incrementing its count value.

Object variables are not limited to a single instance; we can create multiple instances of a class and assign them to different object variables. Each object variable will refer to a separate instance, allowing us to work with and manipulate different objects independently.

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